Monday, February 27, 2012

New Born Mind

Dah agak lama jugak kau tak berblog kan...
Sbnrnya mmg lama dh nk start balik tapi aku takde tyme pun...

Dulu maybe aku suka post tentang diri aku and aku prasan its getting membosankan...Aku tak nk dh buat online dairy ni...hihih...lagipun my mum told me not to tell about yourself in public.."Let it be mysterious baruk adventure"....ok mak..anaknda menurut perintah!hihih..

Aku dh amik keputusan (mcm masalah serius la konon) nk post sumthing yg aku somthing bnda yang aku teringin nk tahu tentang apa2 je will be no boundaries at all...maybe to certain people bnda yang aku post tue bosan, tapi i dun care......i love what i am doing..n u should bear in mind that everybody is unique n different in their own way~~!!! <3

Friday, June 17, 2011

Result oh result

Alhamdulillah...result utk sem 4 aku dh kuar i expected...x kan capai target but still dlm range yg blh menggumbirakn hatiku sem aku part5..means 1 sem to go for practical n then done!!~ fuhhhhh..cant wait anymore..hehe..
nk ckp aku sedeh tak jugak..kecewa??utk apa?? must go on kan? lagipun at this tyme bnyk bnda yg hepi happen to me...and thanks to Allah... :) next wed aku ngan kakak fly to KL coz nk beli brg utk niaga...dats ol kot utk hari jap..i need to buy new contact lenses sbb yg aku gune skrg mcm dh tak comfortable utk d gunakan..hhehe...aku beli dr bakal kakak ipar jew~ hehe...XOXO

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Me and always me!!!~

Don't worry if you're single. God is looking at you right now saying, " I'm saving this girl/boy for someone special... "

"Eleven Hints for Life"

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with
a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

p/s: maybe it is true that i am lonely now...but now is not the right time...only Allah knows the reasons... :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Let me sHine in mY Own way!!! (^_^)

everytyme aku rasa down..bnda yg aku akan buat is bc ayat2 motivasi kat internet o bc komik selain dr perkara2 yg spttnya di buatbile seseorg rs down .... :)

Janji Allah SWT itu Pasti............

"Orang-orang yang paling berbahagia tidak selalu memiliki hal-hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang hadir dalam hidupnya."

"Apa yang anda fikirkan mengenai diri anda, akan mempengaruhi diri anda sendiri."

"Memang amat tinggi letaknya kebahagiaan. Namun kita harus menuju ke sana. Ada orang yang berputus asa berjalan ke arahnya lantaran disangkanya jalan ke sana amat sukar. Padahal mudah, kerana ia dimulai daripada dirinya sendiri." ~ Said Mustafa

"Doa memberikan kekuatan pada orang yang lemah, membuat orang tidak percaya menjadi percaya dan memberikan keberanian pada orang yang ketakutan."

"Orang bijaksana tidak sesekali duduk meratapi kegagalannya, tapi dengan lapang hati mencari jalan bagaimana memulihkan kembali kerugian yang dideritainya."

"Berfikir sebelum berbuat adalah satu kebijaksanaan, berfikir selepas berbuat adalah satu kebodohan, berbuat tanpa berfikir adalah seribu kebodohan.

hmm..nak tau apa yg blh buat aku senyum dgn ikhlas if aku sedeh???seriusly aku tak tau sejak bila aku jd mcm maybe akan ckp aku tipu..saje je buat cite nk amek pehatian ke...lantak dorang la....nk tgk tak??jap ek...


comelll kan....?????????????rasa nk pelok jew...hehhe..teringin nk jumpe tak mungkin sbb den tak mampu g sana..hahahaha...tgk gbr je dh blh buat aku senyum......:)

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Bee-Zee Week BeFore STuDy weeK...


skrg aku kat bilik aku...tak tau nk bwat ape even keje melambak giler babas....bulan lepas smpai la ahad bru2 ni...aku bnyk ekot aktiviti UitM...seronok...OPKIM kat Dusun Tua, OPKIM kat Puchong,lawatan Quality,majlis anugerah dekan,ekot kwn g dinner kat PWTC & match Frisbee...(dpt no 2 ok!! muke makin gelappppppp....abehhhlaaa..kompom mak aku tak kenal aku takpe..janji aku enjoy!!~hahahhh)...semua aktiviti tue kalo ade ms aku cite ok.....(^_^)...skali ngan gbr~hohoho
my last week before aku balik sibu, bnyk keje kene siapkn n study....nk tau nape???

Quality (chapter 5-9 --->tak abis blaja..3 chapter lg..woowoo..hihih)

HRD : Chapterr????..ntah..hahahahah.....tak blaja lagi
Economy: Chapter 4-6-->nmpk je sikit tp kalu korunk tgk...hmmmmm (-__-")..tak blaja lg..

Assignment & PresentatiOn
(mesti anta)

Quality: (Group tp aku yg bwat..) slide presentation & report aku tak wat lg...hohohoo

HRD individual assignment(min 5 page...aku tak bwat lagiiii..wooowooowoo)

Performance Management RePort (Group tapi inn & dayah& maz tlng buatkan)

Staffing (Group tp ila buatkan)

Labour EcOnomy report (Group tapi Yana Buatkn) & Presentation (ntah bile la nk present)

AMBEKKKKKK kau...kompom aku tak tido ari esok & luse....woowooowoowoo...hahah...

ni gbr paling latest aku...gune hp sepul...mcm bongok je pakai spek ni..(td aku tak tau letak mana spek yg aku biase pakai tue...hahahahh...nenek yg dh tua...rupe pun mcm nenek tua...hahahaha...BABO!!~) bukan gbr gbr buah hati pengerang jantong aku...lalalll~ baru aku...wish me gud luck k!!~ target aku sem ni???tak brani aim tinggi sbb effort aku tak nmpk lg ms skrg...i let u noe if im redi ok~~!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Life of an Ordinary Person..:)

its not hard to find happiness you know~~
anda tak perlukan sesuatu bnda yg mahaL untuk
menceRiakan Hari2 Anda...(^_^)
open your eyes soodah ~~ :)


captured by my N97 phone..hahaa....penat aku kmpl bunga2 beguguran...kahkah..
he loves to take pictures of flower..this kinda remind me of him..(^_^)


arini ktorg ade klas trip g putrajaya..tue je lah..nk ambk gbr tp matahari tegak atas kepala..tak larat..lepak 2 je kat food court...lps tue dgr ceramah kat SPA..sampai UiTM kol 6:30pm...lps tue ade syarahan kat deWan Uitm baru kol 8 tp start kol pun baru balik dr syarahan ade kejA lg tak siap..ayoyoyoyo...


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"ceRoBeh" di awal mac.. V(^_^)V

What happen on my first day of march??

Assalamualaikum n wats up wats up....ahahhah
macam biaselah hidup sbgai soerg student kan..sgt la bosan rutin yg buat life as student ni enjoy is when we meet frens n maybe akan terjumpe o terkenal kwn2 yg baru, n buat bnda2 bodoh n etc..:)
hari ni lain sikit sbb aku bgn awal sbb nk teman kwn aku yg excited nk ambik brekpes free yg fakulty bagi (selasa & khamis)..layan je lah...hahahah..aku pun dpt mkn free...ktorg dpt sndwich+ dutch lady strawberry+epal...seriusly...bile aku minum air strawberry tue..perut aku memulas gile...sbb ape??aku tak penah minum pun air strawberry dlm jangka masa 5 taun lebih nie ...penat kontrol cantek tp muka thn nk "beybey" kejadian tersebut tak mematahkan smgt aku utk cantek, ceria & semangat sepanjg hari. ini..cantek ker?? i dun care...i am beautiful no matter what u say ok... :P

supposedly kt org ade presentation personal development (PD) KAMI tak prepare sgt....nasib baik lah ade grup lain yg dh redi...ade yg buat video lakon, berlagu, sketsa & pantomen....seronok giler aku gelak.......huhuuh..slamat lah kmpln next week kt org present..nk present ape??tungguuuu..ahahaha..nk bwat d best utk next week..aminnn....
ape je ek..???tyme kelas pd..ktorg blaja pasal conflict , time mngt & anger management....seronok..aku pling suke subjek tue...lecturer die sporting habis...very motivated person n positive thinking...indirectly it affect aku utk think positive ttg kehidupan kita yg hanya sementara ni...thank you madam & Thank You To Allah..:) klas performance management cancel & klas quality pun kejap je..tak sampai 10 min pun rasenye...die bg ktorg tajuk utk present esok...alahai..nk present ni lah aku lemah...:) btw, ktorg sempat ambik gbr lepas present pd & i realized dat yg we all getting closer n closer each day...:)TQ Allah..

malam:tadi aku layan cite kak limah ngan ila kat bilik die sambil pelok2 bnda yg aku rasa berharga lam idup aku skrg..tue jelah kenangan yg aku ade bekenaan dgn dia...kalau dh takde prasaan tue nnti, takdelah aku nk kendong ke sana ke mari dh....hmmm...cite tue best la jugak...dpt mengurangkn stress walopun takde stress..:) lepas ni nk print bnda utk present esok..ayoyoyo....

*eh..lupe pasal sumting..kwn aku br je join grup *aku & yana* 28.2 smlm..hhihi..aku sgt hepi...i dunno why....i dun want her to hurt herself any longer....inn,skrang blh la u join ktorg tgk merong ye u siss!!~ yuq akan kat sisi inn if u need sum2 taw! ingat tue!~dont be sad n dun be stupid like ur sis ni taw....:) tak nk u sedeh2 sbb i noe u r stronger than me...:) aku takleh nk srh inn lupekan mamat tue sbb aku tau mcm mana prasaan org yg in love kat sum2..ko cakap la ape2 pun keburukan org yg die syg, takde kick pun kat dier..buang air lior je dek oi...

ermm....bodoh ke kalau sum1 sukakan org yg mmg dh nyata tak suka, tak minat, tak sayang,tak love kat kite????sumpah aku bantah keras ayat BODOH tu...perasaan org lain2..n dorang takkn faham & tak layak judge prasaan kt kat org long aku hepi mcm ni n tak menyakitkn dr sndr n org yg aku syg....bnda lain tak ambik kesah dh pun..adakah sakit suka kan org yg tak suke kat kt??dulu...maybe aku ckp sakit...:) menyintai seseorg tak semestinya kita harus memilikinya kan???? n mmg aku tak pernah harpkn ape2 pown.... tp hopefully..kalau benar itu bukan jodohku...Ya Allah..kau jauhkanlah prasaan ini Ya Allah..aminnn

petang:ha..arini..aku ada tulis kat satu kertas n srh kwn2 aku tulis bnda apa yg boleh buat seseorg down dalam idup ...nak tgk?hm..hp bat aku empty..tapi aku list down je lah ye ape yg kiteorg tyme aku upload k..sbb aku bwat bnda tue??
sbb aku nk mengingat kn dr sndr n kwn2 keadaan2 yg penah berlaku n mayb akn berlaku lam kehidupan kt nie..tak semua indah,tau cara how to overcome kesdehan tue sgtttt la mustahak..betol tak? Penyelesaian masalah yg paling baik pun kat mana2 masalah kat dunia adalah INGAT KEPADA PENCIPTAMU...setiap masalah ada penyelasaiannya & dun ever2 lari dr menyelesaikn masalah...face it bravely ok!!!!!~

1. putus Cinta
2. ada masalah dgn org tersayang
3.bile sedeh, takde org d sisi
4. ingat kekurangan diri
5. bila dgr lagu2 sedeh (ni yana yg tulis...uhuhuhuh..)
6.tak dpt ape yg kite nk
7.kurang perhatian & kasih syg dr....? <--oh..ini ila tulis
8.bile kehilangan ahli keluarga (meninggal)
9.bila bobo hilang <--inn tulid sbb kucing kesayangan de hilang...huhu
10.datang bulan
11.gaduh dgn kawan
12.bila sakit , takde sape yg peduli
13.jaoh dari family

hmm...manusia ni kadang2..bile dh terkena kat btg idong sndr baru nk klau blh elak la bnda2 yg boleh menyebabkn kite ni menyesal tak sudah...menyesal buat ni , menyesal buat tue...n aku pling tak suke org ckp mcm ni...KALAU LAH DULU AKU TAK MACAM NI sekian sekian sekian....mcm menyesali takdir je...ade sbb di sebalik setiap kejadian yg berlaku...n d sbbkna masa lampau lah seseorg blh berubah...untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik dr ape yg ko penah jadi sblm ni..hmm..bnyk bnda aku nk aku sgttttttt la mengantuk.... okey lah yer..nyte2....

➳♥ AFIA87 ♥
